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Gersande La Flèche

Joined 1 year, 6 months ago

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🍵 Lots of nonfiction, literary fiction, poetry, classical literature, speculative fiction, magical realism, etc. English, French, and many translations.

📖 Beaucoup de non-fiction, de fiction littéraire, de poésie, de classiques, de spéculatif, de réalisme magique, etc. Lecture en anglais et en français, et beaucoup de traductions.

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Gersande La Flèche's books

Archaeology of Mind (2012, Norton & Company, Incorporated, W. W.) No rating

A look at the seven emotional systems of the brain by the researcher who discovered …

The position that brain and mind are separate entities was Rene Descartes’ greatest error, to borrow Antonio Damasio’s (1994) famous turn of phrase. Another of Descartes’ big errors was the idea that animals are without consciousness, without experiences, because they lack the subtle nonmaterial stuff from which the human mind is made. This notion lingers on today in the belief that animals do no think about nor even feel their emotional responses. Most who study animal brains have not yet learned how to discuss and study animal minds, especially their emotional feelings, as systematically and superbly as they study learned behaviours. Animals’ primal feelings are best studied ethologically—by monitoring their own emotional tendencies.

Archaeology of Mind by , (Page 1)

Ethologically: the science of animal behaviour; also the study of human behaviour and social organization from a biological [Interesting] perspective

"Subtle nonmaterial stuff" really reminds me of how Philip Pullman would describe something. Lingering holdover of Christianity — Descartes was a devout Catholic, and according to Thomas d'Aquin: « l'âme des bêtes est-elle détruite avec les corps… L'âme des bêtes est produite par une énergie naturelle, mais l'âme humaine par Dieu »

Archaeology of Mind (2012, Norton & Company, Incorporated, W. W.) No rating

A look at the seven emotional systems of the brain by the researcher who discovered …

As far as we know right now, primal emotional systems are made up of neuroanatomies and neurochemistries that are remarkably similar across all mammalian species. This suggests that these systems evolved a very long time ago and that at a basic emotional and motivational level, all mammals are more similar than they are different. Deep in the ancient affective recesses of our brains, we remain evolutionarily kin. This has long been evident in our body structures and biochemistries.

Archaeology of Mind by , (Page 4)

Archaeology of Mind (2012, Norton & Company, Incorporated, W. W.) No rating

A look at the seven emotional systems of the brain by the researcher who discovered …

Also, the mammalian brain is fundamentally a social brain, and it needs to be treated as such. (..). Thus, almost all mind-medicine interventions need to be complemented by appropriate psychosocial help, not only to trace and unravel the secondary- and tertiary-process derivatives of (perhaps lifelong) basic emotional imbalances, but also to guide, facilitate, and activate the desired primary-process affects. (..). Affective neuroscience highlights that the role of social emotions in all future therapeutic schools of thought must remain in focus in order for lasting improvements to be maximized.

Archaeology of Mind by , (Page 1)

Affect = emotions and the neurological systems that form those emotions, basically.

(Woops put this quote with the wrong book, sorry for the double post.)

Archaeology of Mind (2012, Norton & Company, Incorporated, W. W.) No rating

A look at the seven emotional systems of the brain by the researcher who discovered …

The psychoanalytic tradition was followed, during the behaviourist era, with highly focused "behaviour modification therapies," where both the cognitive and emotional issues were put aside and therapists sought to mold maladaptive behaviour patterns by adjusting reinforcement contingencies. With the cognitive revolution, the focus shifted to "cognitive behavioural therapies" (CBT) that were remarkably effective for some disorders such as specific phobias (Beck, 1976). Now, with the recognition that emotional tides lie at the core of psychiatric disorders, the winds are shifting again.

Archaeology of Mind by , (1%)

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Du bitume et du vent (Paperback, Français language, Mémoire d’encrier) No rating

Vincent Vallières traverse le pays, trimballant ses guitares et une paire d’espadrilles. De Natashquan à …

Je réalise que je connais peu la réalité des francophones du coin, et encore moins celle de toutes ces autres communautés éparpillées au Canada et partout en Amérique du Nord. Qui sont-ils, ces Franco-Canadiens et ces Franco-Américains issus des cultures irlandaise, italienne, haïtienne, maghrébine et toutes les autres ? Qu'est-ce qui les pousse à continuer cette bataille pour leur langue ? Comment nous perçoivent-ils, ces citoyens de Hearst, de Kapuskasing, de Lafayette, des Antilles? Notre tendance à nous croire seuls dans cet effort de résistance est-elle vue comme de l'arrogance? Nos luttes se font dans un confort qui se confond avec de l'indifférence, voire de la complaisance, quand on les compare avec celles de tous ces alliés naturels qu'on oublie trop souvent.

Du bitume et du vent by  (Page 198 - 199)

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Du bitume et du vent (Paperback, Français language, Mémoire d’encrier) No rating

Vincent Vallières traverse le pays, trimballant ses guitares et une paire d’espadrilles. De Natashquan à …

Le Canada, quatrième pays producteur de pétrole au monde. Les promesses gouvernementales jamais tenues. Le nombre de fois où nous prenons l'avion dans cette tournée de l'Ouest canadien. Mon VUS. Le steak énorme que j'ai mangé hier soir. Pascal a raison, c'est plus confortable d'intimer à nos voisins de se regarder dans le miroir que d'identifier nos propres angles morts. Alors on garde nos œillères et on se vautre dans nos routines. Quand ça se met à chauffer, on pointe les autres du doigt. C'est la faute à Trudeau et à son laxisme, la faute à l'Alberta qui refuse de se mettre au pas, la faute aux lobbies qui ont mainmise sur tout, la faute à Guilbeault, trop accommodant avec son gouvernement. C'est la faute au décalage, je suis épuisé.

Du bitume et du vent by  (Page 216)

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