User Profile

Gersande La Flèche

Joined 2 years ago

🍵 Lots of nonfiction, literary fiction, poetry, classical literature, speculative fiction, magical realism, etc.

📖 Beaucoup de non-fiction, de fiction littéraire, de poésie, de classiques, de spéculatif, de réalisme magique, etc.

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Gersande La Flèche's books

avatar for gersande Gersande La Flèche boosted
Les racistes n'ont jamais vu la mer (French language, 2021, Mémoire d'encrier) 5 stars

Parlons de racisme puisque le racisme concerne tout le monde. Les écrivains Rodney Saint-Éloi et …

Tu dis racisme, je dis rêve. Tu dis ombre, je dis soleil.

Ça ressemble à un jeu. Peut-être me diras-tu que c'est trop romantique. Pourtant les jeunes qui marchent dans les rues pour manifester ne le font pas en silence. Au rythme de leurs pas, ils lancent dans le vent autant d'utopies que de reproches. Ce n'est pas un jeu que de revendiquer le rêve. Les rêves ont déplacé des populations entières. Le rêve d'une vie meilleure est souvent la seule chose qui survit à la traversée des mers et des frontières.

Le rêve est une question de vie ou de mort.

Les racistes n'ont jamais vu la mer by , (Page 12)

Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals (2003) No rating

Straw Dogs is a work of philosophy, which sets out to challenge our most cherished …

I've received a recommendation from a friend for this book, though the rec also came with some warnings that sometimes Gray goes off the rails in ways that don't seem completely reasonable. But that the book was still worth reading, so throwing it on the TBR.

The Other End of the Leash (EBook, 2009, Random House Publishing Group) 5 stars

The Other End of the Leash shares a revolutionary, new perspective on our relationship with …

A lot of this book is very wise. I don't have a ton to nitpick, and they really would be nitpicks, about the theoretical and practical advice this book communicates. If you're trying to better understand how to communicate effectively with dogs (and maybe other people too), this book has a lot to offer. It's not a training manual, it definitely goes deeper, but it helps to explain why "dog training" is at its core a two-creature process, and the human has to work just as hard as the dog to get it right.