Reviews and Comments

Gersande La Flèche

Joined 2 years, 4 months ago

🍵 Lots of nonfiction, literary fiction, poetry, classical literature, speculative fiction, magical realism, etc.

📖 Beaucoup de non-fiction, de fiction littéraire, de poésie, de classiques, de spéculatif, de réalisme magique, etc.

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Naomi Novik: Uprooted (Hardcover, Tor) 4 stars

"Our Dragon doesn't eat the girls he takes, no matter what stories they tell outside …

The beginning is actually better than I remember it. I remember thinking the beginning was a bit too bland, a bit too cookie-cutter, but I think there were little details I missed, or maybe that got flattened as I got further into the book. Or maybe I'm just better at paying attention to those little not-really-hidden things that are interesting.