Mille feuilles

Une communauté de papivores! 🍵📖 A community for those who enjoy a leafy snack!




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Mille feuilles est un réseau social pour suivre et partager sa lecture, sans publicité et anti-corporatif, basé sur le logiciel open-source Bookwyrm. Depuis Mille feuilles, on peut suivre et interagir de manière transparente avec les utilisat∙eurs∙ices d'autres instances BookWyrm ou Mastodon, ou simplement interagir avec les autres lecteurices sur Mille feuilles. Mille feuilles est un site à petite vitesse, afin de garantir que ce service évolue de manière durable.

Mille feuilles is a small, ad-free, and anti-corporate social network about books which runs on open-source Bookwyrm software. From Mille feuilles, you can seamlessly follow and interact with users on other BookWyrm instances and on services like Mastodon, or just interact with other users on Mille feuilles. Mille feuilles is growing very slowly, in order to ensure that the website scales in a sustainable way.

For my English-speaking visitors, a mille-feuille is a popular type of pastry, and the name literally translates as "thousand leaves."

Un très chaleureux merci à Arcane Pigeon pour notre logo cute à croquer!

  • Active users: 11
  • Statuses posted: 2,768
  • Software version: 0.7.1

Welcome to Mille feuilles!

Mille feuilles is part of BookWyrm, a network of independent, self-directed communities for readers. While you can interact seamlessly with users anywhere in the BookWyrm network, this community is unique.

The Hobbit is Mille feuilles's most beloved book, with an average rating of 4.7 out of 5.
More Mille feuilles users want to read Normal life than any other book.
Neil Gaiman American Gods 5 Books Collection Set has the most divisive ratings of any book on Mille feuilles.

Track your reading, talk about books, write reviews, and discover what to read next. Always ad-free, anti-corporate, and community-oriented, BookWyrm is human-scale software, designed to stay small and personal. If you have feature requests, bug reports, or grand dreams, reach out and make yourself heard.

Meet your admins

Mille feuilles's moderators and administrators keep the site up and running, enforce the code of conduct, and respond when users report spam and bad behavior.


Gersande La Flèche

Joined 2 years, 4 months ago



Joined 2 years, 4 months ago