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Joined 1 year, 1 month ago

Trying to find a better way to track books I want to read than a random spreadsheet. I had used which was provided by my local public library until they shut down the program. Luckily, I regularly backed it up via their CSV export. I've used Library Thing for years, but adding books for "To Read" really screwed up a lot of the other features of the website, like recommendations, etc. I really love Free Software & the Fediverse particularly. My primary social media account is on Friendica for now everything I post here is automatically "re-tooted" there.

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Ji FU's books

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reviewed On Anarchism by Noam Chomsky

On Anarchism (2013, New Press, The) 3 stars

Good high level but not the meat & potatoes

3 stars

On Anarchism was a collection of short essay that wasn't really what I was expecting. I was hoping for examples, or at least ideas, of how anarchism would actually work in the real world. How we'd get from an idea to a product without a profit motive. What I got instead was basically a label for my wife. She doesn't think governments should exist but while they do she supports a large welfare state to take care of the people. Chomsky appears to be the same. It was well written and well cited, and otherwise awesome if I had gone in with different expectations it might be getting a 5 instead of a three.

If someone has a recommendation for a different book on anarchism that actually answers my questions I would appreciate it.

Plagues of Night (DS9-Relaunch #26) (Paperback, 2015, Gallery Books, Pocket Books) 4 stars

The first novel in a two-part Typhon Pact adventure set in the universe of Star …

The second half was great

4 stars

I really felt this was a book of two halves. The first half just didn't keep my interest. Lots of set-up of characters, new ones we haven't met and some new ones just being introduced now. The middle we get a meeting of the Typhon Pact presidents and those of the Khitomer accords, including the newly added Cardassians and Ferengi. Only then does it start to get adventurous and good like a Star Trek Novel should.

The Enterprise, still captained by Jean-Luc now married to Beverly Crusher, who is only mentioned & not seen, goes to the Gamma Quadrent with a Romulan Warbird to explore space together as a sign of peace. U.S.S. Robinson, now captained by Ben Sisko, is doing routine star mapping in the Quadrent including a diplomatic rendezvous with the Vahni Vahltupal, who I personally had been wondering about whatever happened to them just days before I …

The American Zone (Paperback) No rating

In the North American Confederacy . . . People are free--really free. Free to do …

Content warning Better joke, smaller spoiler.

The American Zone (Paperback) No rating

In the North American Confederacy . . . People are free--really free. Free to do …

Content warning Bad joke, small spoiler