We Do This 'Til We Free Us (Paperback, 2021, Haymarket Books) 5 stars

A reflection on prison industrial complex abolition and a vision for collective liberation from organizer …

You can't force somebody into being accountable for things they do That is not possible. People have to take accountability for things that they actually do wrong. They have to decide that this is wrong. They hare to say, "This is wrong and I want to be part of making some sort of amends or repairing this or not doing it again" The question is: What in our culture allows people to do that? What are the structural things that em phat in our culture encourages people who assault people and harm people to take responsibility? What I see is almost nothing. That means, for example, people continue to be rewarded when they do bad things to other people or take negative action against people.

We Do This 'Til We Free Us by , , (Page 44)