bell hooks: Salvation (2001, Perennial, William Morrow Paperbacks, Harper Perennial) 4 stars

Written from both historical and cultural perspectives, Salvation takes an incisive look at the transformative …

Martin Luther King offered a visionary insight when he stated: "Our goal is to create a beloved community, and this will require a qualitative change in our souls as well as a quantitative change in our lives." The individuals who are part of that beloved community are already in our lives. We do not need to search for them. We can start where we are. We begin our journey with love, and love will always bring us back to where we started. Making the choice to love can heal our wounded spirits and our body politic. It is the deepest revolution, the turning away from the world as we know it, toward the world we must make if we are to be one with the planet one healing heart giving and sustaining life. Love is our hope and our salvation.

Salvation by  (Page 225)