
From the legendary music producer, a master at helping people connect with the wellsprings of …

The audiobook is a good companion for the receptive artist

5 stars

I really liked listening to the audiobook version of this read by the author. I think it's just really striking hearing his words in his own voice and giving the kind of emphasis he intended for each of the points in these short chapters. Not sure it would come across with quite as much impact reading what he wrote as words on a page. The author is best known for his place in the world of music as a producer and record company executive, but the book is really intended for an audience of creative people of all kinds. The idea goes far beyond the idea of just making music or generating new ideas or collaborating with others to produce art. The author's many years of developing the work of artists has made him think hard about what the point of art is in the first place, and the answer …