Jack W. Hayford: The Charismatic Century (2006, Warner Faith) 4 stars

It's been 100 years since William Seymour, an African-American Christian revivalist, guided his small Los …

A history of 20th Century Pentecostalism

4 stars

Not quite what I was expecting. I had hoped for more details on the original Azusa Street Revival, but what was there was about what I had already read on Wikipedia. That being said the rest of the book was still good. In fact I read it more quickly than I have much non-fiction the last several years. The rest was about what happened since then, from the racial split in classical pentacostolism, to the global south growth of Christianity thru the spirit filled belivers. The establishment of charismatics who chose to stay in their old churches and renew them rather than leaving to form new ones.

What I found most mighty and surprising was Pope John praying in the 20th century on 1-1-1901 & dedicating the new century to the holy spirit and man the latter rain came down.