J. F. Crane: Stargate SG-1 : Sunrise (Paperback, 2011, Fandemonium Books) 5 stars

A good quick read

5 stars

A very good read. light and fast. I did have to re watch SG-1 S04E10 "Beneth the Surface" to get some of the subtext of the immediate previous mission.

While still recovering from memories of someone else living in their head, SG-1 advances to a new planet in search of the "Shield of the gods" hoping that its a defense mechanism against the Go'ahuld.

They find another very clean happy advanced city protected from the sun that would otherwise burn them to death, think climate change 40000 years from now. They all have accepted the same religion, which is lived out through the daytime soap opera of Sunrise teaching the beatitudes of their sun god.

They find the daughter of the pastor knows of a whole beyond their ark. They meet people who are barley surviving and have mixed feelings about sun rise.

The sun god they worship and fear is not Ra but their sun itself. SG-1 must find forbidden knowledge to save the people, the planet, and maybe someday mankind itself.