Richard Hooker, William E. Butterworth: M*A*S*H goes to Texas (Paperback, 1977, Pocket Books) 2 stars


When Nurse Esther Flannagan travels to Dallas for the Saints-Cowboys …

Another forgetabale TV Tie-In Story

2 stars

Butterworth gives us another tale of some random foreigners trying to get together with Hawkeye and Trapper and it takes nearly the whole book for them to get there.

This time they through in a congressman who had been mentioned before and his wife who is all mad that their daughter wants to be more than just a big boobed cheerleader.

Somehow the Uncle of the wife ends up in a chewing tobacco commercial with his Indian Compatriot, but they wouldn't include their buffalo because that just wouldn't be believable. Said Buffalo, Teddy Rosevelt, ends up driving the Hurse so they can meet up with Hot-Lips all pansi ac-apella choir, but can they do it before the Knights of Columbus Marching band shows up?

If that sounds fun, read this book if not, give it a pass.