@fu@millefeuilles.cloud @fu@libranet.de I did not even know there was a follow-up to V!
Darnell Clayton :verified: replied to Ji FU's status
Ji FU replied to Darnell Clayton :verified:'s status
@fu@libranet.de @darnell@one.darnell.one well now you do! This book is a direct sequel of the only V property that Johnson has IP rights to, the original '82 miniseries. As such it ignores the rest of the franchises: the '83 miniseries sequel, the '83-'85 TV series, the 80s mass market paperback novels, and the 2000s reboot TV series. I'll let you know if its worth picking up in and of itself, once I finish it, but so far, I'd recommend all of the above regardless.