Termination Shock

A Novel

708 pages

English language

Published Feb. 2, 2021

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4 stars (3 reviews)

Termination Shock takes readers on a thrilling, chilling visit to our not-too-distant future – a world in which the greenhouse effect has inexorably resulted in a whirling-dervish troposphere of superstorms, rising sea levels, global flooding, merciless heat waves, and virulent, deadly pandemics.

One man has a Big Idea for reversing global warming, a master plan perhaps best described as “elemental.” But will it work? And just as important, what are the consequences for the planet – and all of humanity – should it be applied?

Termination Shock sounds a clarion alarm, ponders potential solutions and dire risks, and wraps it all together in an exhilarating, witty, mind-expanding speculative adventure.

2 editions

Classic Stephenson

4 stars

Content warning Mild spoilers about some topics covered by the book

Beroketa globalaren aurka geoingeniaritza?

5 stars

Oso arriskutsua iruditzen zaidan gai baten inguruko eleberria da Termination shock: geoingeniaritza. Etorkizun nahiko hurbilean kokatua. Beroketa globalak okerrera egin du eta AEBetako aberats bat estratosferan sufre dioxidoa botatzen hasi nahian dabil. Hurrengo hilabeteetan tentsio geopolitikoak, jukutriak... izango dira nagusi.

Pertsonaia batzuk besteak baino gehiago gustatu zaizkit, eta zatiren bat luze xamarra egin zait, baina orokorrean 700 orri pasatxoko liburukotea interesgarria iruditu zait. Gauza batzuetan asmatuko duela uste dut, adibidez, spoiler handirik egiteko asmorik gabe, eskuin muturrak klima aldaketa ukatzetik geoingeniaritza babesterako jauzia emango duela.

Great, but that was to be expected

4 stars

Ever since Snow Crash, Stephenson has had me hooked. So, I can say only good things about this book. Great story, great characters, etc., etc.

I do feel that in a few years, we might (very strong might) find ourselves speaking about this book the same way we speak about the aforementioned work: as some sort of prophetic vision of the future and how we will come to deal with climate change.

I also have to say that the author sneaks in some current affairs. There are things mentioned that may require future readers to check Wikipedia, and there are a few nuanced opinions too.

I took off one star because I feel like the story wasn't quite ready to end and it all rapped up nest and tidy in the swiftest way possible.