User Profile

Ezra Tellington

Joined 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Petit rat de bibliothèque qui a beaucoup de mal à lire. J'ai 32 ans, je suis non-binaire (iel+neutre/masc) et vous pouvez me retrouver sur J'aime un peu tous les genres sauf l'horreur et le policier. Je lis (et écris) en français et en anglais.

Lil' bookworm who has a hard time reading. I'm 32, non-binary (they/them) and you can find me at I like almost every genre except horror and mystery/crime novels. I read (and write) in French and English.

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Fifteen-year-old Ari Mendoza is an angry loner with a brother in prison, but when he …

Content warning Big spoiler for part 4 ("Between the Living and the Dying is the Loving")

Because Internet (2019) No rating

Language is humanity's most spectacular open-source project, and the internet is making our language change …

When we thought of language like a book, perhaps it was natural that we were worried and careful about what we enshrined in it. But now that we can think of language like the internet, it’s clear that there is space for innovation, space for many Englishes and many other languages besides, space for linguistic playfulness and creativity. There’s space, in this glorious linguistic web, for you.

Because Internet by  (99%)

Love the conclusion of this book!

Because Internet (2019) No rating

Language is humanity's most spectacular open-source project, and the internet is making our language change …

I just learned the origin of future!CharacterName (or other characteristics like fem!Character, child!Character...) in fandoms! The author explains it's from the way old email were routed, like bob!mathsdepartment!MIT or something like that (I'm listening to the audiobook so I haven't seen it written but that's my understanding of it). I never knew, and I've used characteristic!Name for a long time now!