Mille feuilles

Une communauté de papivores! 🍵📖 A community for those who enjoy a leafy snack!




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Mille feuilles est un réseau social pour suivre et partager sa lecture, sans publicité et anti-corporatif, basé sur le logiciel open-source Bookwyrm. Depuis Mille feuilles, on peut suivre et interagir de manière transparente avec les utilisat∙eurs∙ices d'autres instances BookWyrm ou Mastodon, ou simplement interagir avec les autres lecteurices sur Mille feuilles. Mille feuilles est un site à petite vitesse, afin de garantir que ce service évolue de manière durable.

Mille feuilles is a small, ad-free, and anti-corporate social network about books which runs on open-source Bookwyrm software. From Mille feuilles, you can seamlessly follow and interact with users on other BookWyrm instances and on services like Mastodon, or just interact with other users on Mille feuilles. Mille feuilles is growing very slowly, in order to ensure that the website scales in a sustainable way.

For my English-speaking visitors, a mille-feuille is a popular type of pastry, and the name literally translates as "thousand leaves."

Un très chaleureux merci à Arcane Pigeon pour notre logo cute à croquer!

Request an Invitation

Mille feuilles is growing very slowly, in order to ensure that the website scales in a sustainable way. If your request to join Mille feuilles is approved, you will receive an email with a registration link. 📖🍵 Mille feuilles est un site à petite vitesse, afin de garantir que ce service évolue de manière durable. Si ta demande d'adhésion à Mille feuilles est approuvée, tu recevras un courriel avec un lien d'inscription. À noter que je suis un être humain qui doit dormir de temps en temps, donc il est possible que la réponse puisse prendre un peu de temps.

Recent Books

Dave Foreman, Edward Abbey, Bill Haywood: Ecodefense (Paperback, 1993, Abbzug Pr) 4 stars


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This book was banned in Australia, gazetted in 1992 as "refused classification" and a prohibited import. Dedicated to Edw. Abbey and inspired by his Monkeywrench Gang, this is a manual on sabotage of establishment property. It carries the standard disclaimer "for entertainment proposes only."

Jane Austen: Persuasion (2003) 5 stars



Persuasion is the last novel completed by Jane Austen. It was published on December 20, 1817, along with Northanger Abbey, six months after her death, although the title page is dated 1818.The story concerns Anne Elliot, an Englishwoman of 27 years, whose family moves to lower their expenses and reduce …